New Moon in Taurus about to enter Gemini -14th May!

Heal your past: New Moon May 2010
Empower the present
Look to the future

There you are: You’ve made a decision, thought out a course of action and you’re striding merrily along your new direction then you hit an obstacle! You’re thrown off track, and you don’t know what to do? Is the universe trying to tell you something? Are you supposed to be doing something differently to what you first thought? Your resolve to change things begins to lose steam and you find yourself close to grinding to a halt. Fear and inertia is lurking closer and closer…. what do you do next?
This is often the point at which many of us gives up, and decides that maybe we were wrong to even think, that we could change ourselves and our life path! If there’s an obstacle then surly the universe is telling us to turn back- Go back to the way things were before Back to safety. And the space that felt familiar!
Some of us recognise a challenge more than others, when we see one and know that the universe is really teaching us to find a way around that obstacle… The lessons we remember the most, are the ones that we’ve worked the hardest to learn. If we give up easily we stand to gain very little! If we keep at it and find our own unique way around the obstacle, we learn more about our own resilience and creativity in solving problems and set-backs. We learn to trust ourselves no matter what life throws at us because we believe in ourselves.
As we approach mid- year some of us may look back, and wonder where the time went? Others will be celebrating with relief that we’re in a new era! And, that 2010 brings some much needed peace happiness and joy….? (Doesn’t seem fitting given the recent election I know.) Hopefully new beginnings?… Raise your vibration today or your glass later on… Stand strong in your truth even if it feels a little scary…Go on…give it a GOOD TRY.
Love Rosa xxxx

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