Monthly Archives: April 2010

Sun in Taurus… Mercury Retrograde in Taurus

The sun entered Taurus on the 20th of April just a few days ago, and Mercury our Planet of communication, short distant travel, siblings neighbors… and all matters pertaining to communication went Retrograde around the 11th . Despite all our understanding and Knowledge, (to a greater or lessor degree )we cannot stop the planets natural movement up in the heavens!
So what can we expect during this Earthy phase?

Taurus Rules the 2nd house of Money and how we earn it! . During this period we may want to look at what we value, how much we earn or charge for our services. Perhaps we could re-evaluate our spending… and look to tighten our budget.. ?

Second house issues are quite often issues we prefer not to look at…. as they can be loaded with feelings of inadequacies and insecurities? . Going with – the – flow is not as easy as we think… however if we just look at what is going on collectively, and in our own worlds…. we can quickly come up with the answers to any blocks or dilema’s we encounter during this phase.

What we Value, and how much we earn is deeply linked to our self esteem and confidence. Re- evaluating is certainly in keeping with a mercury Retrograde phase as is taking a close look at what constitutes a greater sense of self and our personal security. Not feeling secure can effect us on many levels. Whether we are focusing on issues of personal or Finacial Security, this phase could prove to be more valuable than we first thought. As well as being spiritual beings dealing with 2nd house issues hepls us to look at the practicalities of our every day life, and All the so called ‘mundane’ stuff that we prefer not to talk about may well surfaces during this phase.
So take the opportunity, and rise to the 2nd house challenge… If you have your Natal Chart, take a look at which house cusp is being effected . Counting from where your 1st house is (the asendent)…

Untill next time!

copyright Rosa Derriviere 2010

Psychic Development workshops at Psychic Sisters.

Rosa Derriviere has put a series of fantastic workshops together at Psychic sisters in Selfridges.
From July 2010, Rosa will be teaching one Saturday per month.
Please book early to secure your place.

For further information and bookings
contact Psychic Sisters.

This workshop – is for those 11:30 AM 1:30 PM
Who wish to practise the art?
Of manifestation.
Practical and easy to follow
Rosa will guide you towards
Manifesting your wishes, to create
The life you desire!
Tools such as Vision boards,
essential oils, Candles affirmation
and the Tarot.. This workshop is packed
With energy and spiritual knowledge.
Suitable for all levels.

This Workshop teaches you to be your 11:30 AM 1:30PM
Own best witch! Rosa will help you to
Connect with your own power, and a higher
Consciousness to raise earth energies
for spell work. Making Magical Talisman,
designed to attract luck- Love,
and prosperity, this workshop is empowering
And fun!
Suitable for all levels.

This is an 8 week workshop
For those that want to learn
How to read theTarot properly.
Rosa will take you through a step- by
Step process focusing on each
Individual card and their meaning.
By the end of the workshop, you’ll
be reading for friends and family
Using the classic Celtic cross spread
And various other layouts
All workshops include handouts.

Classes cost £30 per session
Tarot workshop is £160.00 including the Rider waite Tarot deck
For bookings contact Rosa 0207- 229 -0553 or
Please call 0775664377